1.0 --- - Search features - redesign of the admin interface - Keywords - Articles spanning multiple pages - Support for resource quotas 0.3.1 ----- - Several fixes from 0.3. - Doesn't ask for the blog you'd like to use if only belong to one blog (DONE) - wizard checks whether config/config.properties.php is writable or not. If not, throws an error (DONE) - support for generation of https addresses, as well as normal http - for every album, the total amount of items it holds should be the ones that it directly has plus the amount of items that every of child has (recursive stuff, might be quite heavy on the performance) Some other time --------------- - Support http://.../plog/id/X, http://.../user/X and http://.../blog/whatever-blog-name Possible/Suitable plugins ---------------- - On-line template editor - On-line image editor, where resource images can be modified, resized, cropped, and even some effects could be applied to them - Recent comments - Moblogging (working on it!) - Karma (working on it!) - Fetch and display the weather for our location - A threaded comments plugin ** HIGHER PRIORITY ITEMS ** - Re-design of the admin interface - Get more active developers and also think in a good way to organize all tasks ... ** LOWER PRIORITY ITEMS ** - New section of recently commented articles. ---> can be done with a plugin!!! (volunteers???) - Readers mail-list, when a new post is added an email is sent to the list. (with the possibility tu subscribe different categories) --> I don't think this should be implemented in the core but rather as a nice plugin. At the moment plugins can *not* respond to events such as new post, post edited, etc but perhaps we should think about it. We could use the observer pattern here: have all the plugins register for the events they need and then, have the objects fire events at will so that 'listeners' can respond to those events. - Private/public stuff: ability to create users for a blog that has different access level for different contents --> this would be great if we were implementing a CMS such as Drupal, *Nuke but we're not so I don't really see how far we should get with this- - Spell-checker - Multiple categories per post. - Possibility to let the user choose wether to send an xmlrpc ping or not, instead of always sending it if the admin enabled the feature. - The same feature, but when a post is updated. At the moment no xmlrpc ping is sent but maybe it should... better let the user choose :) - Publishing via email (will it need some kind of wrapper?) - moblogging --> half of this feature can be "leveraged" from http://easymoblog.sourceforge.net/. Heck, we could even ask the author to join us and continue developing mo-blogging features but using our framework. Otherwise, he's using the PEAR::Mime and PEAR::Mail to get the info from emails and it doesn't look that difficult (I've already had a look at the source code) We just need to have the resources framework in place. - Importer for Movable Type, ... - AutoUpdate - Preview of styles in admin interface (perhaps via an screenshot?) - For every link we add to our site, there could be the possibility of having as well its RSS feed. Then, in the templates, if the RSS feed is available we should then show a little icon next to the link. This would require a little change to the database! ** OTHER ** - Get a Logo - New project page style (based on admin new style) - List of webs using plog (with a submision form to add a new one) - Change forums style (new logo, ...) **** DONE/COMPLETED ITEMS **** - API compatible with BlogApp, BlogBuddy and wBloggar --> Hopefully this will be ready very soon! - Generation of different profiles of RSS/RDF: 0.92 (currently implemented), 1.0 and 2.0. --> This one's in on the works. Would be great to get somebody to finish and verify that the templates are valid RSS/RDF/XML code. --> committed support for this on the 16th of november. Also added support for Klipfolio data feeds (http://www.serence.com/site.php) as well as per-category data feeds (also, any of the supported ones: rss 0.90, 1.0 and 2.0, xml and klipfolio) Should be enough for a while :) - Select wether to enable or disable comments on a per-post basis. --> DONE. I will commit the changes very soon. - Bug: prevent comments for being posted x times if you reload x times after posting one. --> DONE and committed to both 0.3 CVS and 0.2.1 - Framework for uploading files - Security framework (under development) - Show links under their categories. - Get clean own template design to set is as our default theme. - Timezones/time differences