aqui para voltar %2$s.'; $messages['error_access_forbidden'] = 'Acesso proibido. Você deve se autenticar antes.'; $messages['username'] = 'Usuário'; $messages['password'] = 'Senha'; // dashboard $messages['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard'; $messages['recent_articles'] = 'Artigos mais recentes'; $messages['recent_comments'] = 'Comentários mais recentes'; $messages['recent_trackbacks'] = 'Trackbacks mais recentes'; $messages['blog_statistics'] = 'Estatísticas do Blog'; $messages['total_posts'] = 'Total Postagens'; $messages['total_comments'] = 'Total Comentários'; $messages['total_trackbacks'] = 'Total Trackbacks'; $messages['total_viewed'] = 'Total Visualizações'; $messages['in'] = 'In'; // menu options $messages['newPost'] = 'Nova Postagem'; $messages['Manage'] = 'Gerenciar'; $messages['managePosts'] = 'Gerenciar Postagens'; $messages['editPosts'] = 'Postagens'; $messages['editArticleCategories'] = 'Categorias'; $messages['newArticleCategory'] = 'Nova Categoria'; $messages['manageLinks'] = 'Gerenciar Endereços'; $messages['editLinks'] = 'Endereços'; $messages['newLink'] = 'Novo Endereço'; $messages['editLink'] = 'Editar Endereços'; $messages['editLinkCategories'] = 'Endereço das Categorias'; $messages['newLinkCategory'] = 'Novo endereço da Categoria'; $messages['editLinkCategory'] = 'Editar endereço da Categoria'; $messages['manageCustomFields'] = 'Controle de Campo Personalizado'; $messages['blogCustomFields'] = 'Campo Personalizado'; $messages['newCustomField'] = 'Novo Campo Personalizado'; $messages['resourceCenter'] = 'Centro de Recursos'; $messages['resources'] = 'Recursos'; $messages['newResourceAlbum'] = 'Novo Álbum'; $messages['newResource'] = 'Novo Recurso'; $messages['controlCenter'] = 'Centro de Controle'; $messages['manageSettings'] = 'Configurações'; $messages['blogSettings'] = 'Configuração do Blog'; $messages['userSettings'] = 'Configurações do Usuário'; $messages['pluginCenter'] = 'Centro de Plugins'; $messages['Stats'] = 'Estatísticas'; $messages['manageBlogUsers'] = 'Gerenciar usuário do Blog'; $messages['newBlogUser'] = 'Novo/a usuário/a no Blog'; $messages['showBlogUsers'] = 'Usuários/as Blog'; $messages['manageBlogTemplates'] = 'Blog Templates'; $messages['newBlogTemplate'] = 'Novo Blog Template'; $messages['blogTemplates'] = 'Blog Templates'; $messages['adminSettings'] = 'Administração'; $messages['Users'] = 'Usuário'; $messages['createUser'] = 'Criar Usuário/a'; $messages['editSiteUsers'] = 'Usuários/as do Site'; $messages['Blogs'] = 'Gerenciar Blogs'; $messages['createBlog'] = 'Criar Blog'; $messages['editSiteBlogs'] = 'Blogs'; $messages['Locales'] = 'Gerenciar idioma'; $messages['newLocale'] = 'Novo idioma'; $messages['siteLocales'] = 'Idioma do Site'; $messages['Templates'] = 'Gerenciar'; $messages['newTemplate'] = 'Novo Template'; $messages['siteTemplates'] = 'Site Templates'; $messages['GlobalSettings'] = 'Configuração Global'; $messages['editSiteSettings'] = 'Geral'; $messages['summarySettings'] = 'Sumário'; $messages['templateSettings'] = 'Templates'; $messages['urlSettings'] = 'URLs'; $messages['emailSettings'] = 'Email'; $messages['uploadSettings'] = 'Subir'; $messages['helpersSettings'] = 'External Helpers'; $messages['interfacesSettings'] = 'Interfaces'; $messages['securitySettings'] = 'Segurança'; $messages['bayesianSettings'] = 'Bayesian Filter'; $messages['resourcesSettings'] = 'Resources'; $messages['searchSettings'] = 'Buscar'; $messages['cleanUpSection'] = 'Clean Up'; $messages['cleanUp'] = 'Clean Up'; $messages['editResourceAlbum'] = 'Editar Album'; $messages['resourceInfo'] = 'Editar Recursos'; $messages['editBlog'] = 'Editar Blog'; $messages['Logout'] = 'Sair'; // new post $messages['topic'] = 'Tópico'; $messages['topic_help'] = 'Título da postagem.'; $messages['text'] = 'Texto'; $messages['text_help'] = 'Texto para a postagem. Esta parte aparecerá sempre na página inicial.'; $messages['extended_text'] = 'Extender o Texto'; $messages['extended_text_help'] = 'Extended text of the post. This part can optionally appear only in the post page or in the main page. See the blog settings for more information.'; $messages['trackback_urls'] = 'Real Trackback Urls'; $messages['trackback_urls_help'] = 'Se o artigo que você quer emitir o trackback não suporta mecanismo Trackback Automóvel-Descobre, você pode pôr seu URL real do trackback aqui e usar uma linha nova para cada URL.'; $messages['post_slug'] = 'Slug'; $messages['post_slug_help'] = 'The slug will be used to generate nice permanent links.'; $messages['date'] = 'Data'; $messages['post_date_help'] = 'Data de publicação desta postagem.'; $messages['status'] = 'Situação'; $messages['post_status_help'] = 'Selecione uma da situação.'; $messages['post_status_published'] = 'Publicado'; $messages['post_status_draft'] = 'Rascunho'; $messages['post_status_deleted'] = 'Apagado'; $messages['post_categories_help'] = 'Selecionar uma ou mais categorias.'; $messages['post_comments_enabled_help'] = 'Habilitar comentários'; $messages['send_notification_help'] = 'Notificação de novo comentários.'; $messages['send_trackback_pings_help'] = 'Enviar trackbacks'; $messages['send_xmlrpc_pings_help'] = 'Enviar XMLRPC pings'; $messages['save_draft_and_continue'] = 'Salvar rascunho'; $messages['preview'] = 'Previsão'; $messages['add_post'] = 'Publicar!'; $messages['error_saving_draft'] = 'There was an error saving the draft'; $messages['draft_saved_ok'] = 'Draft article %s saved successfully'; $messages['error_sending_request'] = 'There was an error sending the request'; $messages['error_no_category_selected'] = 'Please select at least one category'; $messages['error_missing_post_topic'] = 'Please type a post topic'; $messages['error_missing_post_text'] = 'Escreva algum texto para a postagem'; $messages['error_adding_post'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar postagem'; $messages['post_added_not_published'] = 'Post added successfully but not published'; $messages['post_added_ok'] = 'Postagem adicionada com sucesso.'; $messages['send_notifications_ok'] = 'A notification will be sent every time there is a new comment or trackback.'; $messages['bookmarklet'] = "Bookmarklet"; $messages['bookmarklet_help'] = "Arraste para sua barra de ferramentas ou com clique com o botão esquerdo para adicionar em seu Favoritos."; $messages['blogit_to_lifetype'] = "Blog It to LifeType!"; $messages['original_post'] = "(Postagem Original)"; // send trackbacks $messages['error_sending_trackbacks'] = 'There was an error sending the following trackbacks'; $messages['send_trackbacks_help'] = 'Please select those URLs where you would like to send the trackback ping. Please make sure that the sites support trackback.'; $messages['send_trackbacks'] = 'Enviar trackbacks'; $messages['ping_selected'] = 'Ping selected'; $messages['trackbacks_sent_ok'] = 'Trackbacks successfully sent to the selected URLs'; // posts page $messages['show_by'] = 'Apresentar por'; $messages['author'] = 'Autor/a'; $messages['post_status_all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['author_all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['search_terms'] = 'Procurar termos'; $messages['show'] = 'Mostrar'; $messages['delete'] = 'Apagar'; $messages['actions'] = 'Ações'; $messages['all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['category_all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['error_incorrect_article_id'] = 'Incorrect article identifier'; $messages['error_deleting_article'] = 'There was an error deleting post "%s"'; $messages['article_deleted_ok'] = 'Post "%s" deleted successfully'; $messages['articles_deleted_ok'] = '%s posts deleted successfully'; $messages['error_deleting_article2'] = 'There was an error deleting the post with identifier "%s"'; // edit post page $messages['update'] = 'Atualizar'; $messages['editPost'] = 'Editar Postagem'; $messages['post_updated_ok'] = 'Post "%s" atualizado com sucesso.'; $messages['error_updating_post'] = 'There was an error updating the post'; $messages['notification_added'] = 'You will receive notifications of new comments or trackbacks'; $messages['notification_removed'] = 'No notifications about new comments or trackbacks will be sent'; // post comments $messages['url'] = 'URL'; $messages['comment_status_all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['comment_status_spam'] = 'Spam'; $messages['comment_status_nonspam'] = 'Não Spam'; $messages['error_fetching_comments'] = 'There was an error while fetching the article comments'; $messages['error_deleting_comments'] = 'There was an error removing the comments or there was no comment selected'; $messages['comment_deleted_ok'] = 'Comment "%s" deleted successfully'; $messages['comments_deleted_ok'] = '%s comments deleted successfully'; $messages['error_deleting_comment'] = 'There was an error deleting comment "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_comment2'] = 'There was an error deleting comment with identifier %s'; $messages['editComments'] = 'Comentários'; $messages['mark_as_spam'] = 'Mark as spam'; $messages['mark_as_no_spam'] = 'Mark as no spam'; $messages['error_incorrect_comment_id'] = 'The comment identifier is not correct'; $messages['error_marking_comment_as_spam'] = 'There was an error marking the comment as spam'; $messages['comment_marked_as_spam_ok'] = 'The comment was marked as spam successfully'; $messages['error_marking_comment_as_nonspam'] = 'There was an error marking the comment as no spam'; $messages['comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok'] = 'The comment was marked as no spam successfully'; // post trackbacks $messages['blog'] = 'Blog'; $messages['excerpt'] = 'Excerpt'; $messages['error_fetching_trackbacks'] = 'There was an error while fetching the trackbacks'; $messages['error_deleting_trackbacks'] = 'There was an error deleting the trackbacks or there were no items selected'; $messages['error_deleting_trackback'] = 'There was an error while deleting trackback "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_trackback2'] = 'There was an error while deleting trackback with identifier "%s"'; $messages['trackback_deleted_ok'] = 'Trackback "%s" deleted successfully'; $messages['trackbacks_deleted_ok'] = '%s trackbacks deleted successfully'; $messages['editTrackbacks'] = 'Trackbacks'; // post statistics $messages['referrer'] = 'Referrer'; $messages['hits'] = 'Hits'; $messages['error_no_items_selected'] = 'No items were selected to remove'; $messages['error_deleting_referrer'] = 'There was an error deleting referrer "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_referrer2'] = 'There was an error deleting referrer with identifier "%s"'; $messages['referrer_deleted_ok'] = 'Referrer "%s" deleted successfully'; $messages['referrers_deleted_ok'] = '%s referrers deleted successfully'; // categories $messages['posts'] = 'Postagens'; $messages['show_in_main_page'] = 'Mostre na página inicial'; $messages['error_category_has_articles'] = ' Category "%s" is used by some articles. Please edit the articles first and then remove the category'; $messages['category_deleted_ok'] = 'Category "%s" deleted successfully'; $messages['categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s categories deleted successfully'; $messages['error_deleting_category'] = 'There was an error deleting category "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_category2'] = 'There was an error deleting category with identifier "%s"'; $messages['yes'] = 'Sim'; $messages['no'] = 'Não'; // new category $messages['name'] = 'Nome'; $messages['category_name_help'] = 'Nome que será usado pela categoria.'; $messages['description'] = 'Descrição'; $messages['category_description_help'] = 'Descrição mais longa para esta categoria.'; $messages['show_in_main_page_help'] = 'Se as postagens desta categoria devem ser mostrados na página principal, ou somente quando esta categoria for escolhida.'; $messages['error_empty_name'] = 'Você deve fornecer um nome'; $messages['error_empty_description'] = 'Você deve fornecer uma descrição'; $messages['error_adding_article_category'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar a categoria nova. Verifique dados e tente-os outra vez'; $messages['category_added_ok'] = 'Categoria "%s" foi adicionada com sucesso ao blog'; $messages['add'] = 'Adicionar'; $messages['reset'] = 'Restaurar'; // update category $messages['error_updating_article_category'] = 'There was an error updating the article category'; $messages['article_category_updated_ok'] = 'Categora "%s" foi atualizado com sucesso'; // links $messages['feed'] = 'Feed'; $messages['error_no_links_selected'] = 'The link identifier was incorrect or no items were selected to remove'; $messages['error_incorrect_link_id'] = 'The link identifier was not correct'; $messages['error_removing_link'] = 'There was an error removing link "%s"'; $messages['error_removing_link2'] = 'There was an error removing link with identifier "%s"'; $messages['link_deleted_ok'] = 'Link "%s" foi atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['links_deleted_ok'] = '%s links deleted successfully'; // new link $messages['link_name_help'] = 'Nome para esta ligação.'; $messages['link_url_help'] = 'Endereço para aonde aponta a ligação. Exemplo: (NOTA: http:// deve ser incluído!)'; $messages['link_description_help'] = 'Descrição breve desta ligação.'; $messages['link_feed_help'] = 'Uma ligação para algum RSS ou fontes Atom desta ligação pode também ser fornecida.'; $messages['link_category_help'] = 'Escolha uma das categorias disponíveis da ligação.'; $messages['error_adding_link'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar a ligação. Verifique os dados e tente outra vez'; $messages['error_invalid_url'] = 'O endereço não esta correto'; $messages['link_added_ok'] = 'Ligação "%s" foi adicionada com sucesso'; $messages['bookmarkit_to_lifetype'] = "Favoritos do LifeType!"; // update link $messages['error_updating_link'] = 'There was an error updating the link. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['error_fetching_link'] = 'There was an error fetching the link'; $messages['link_updated_ok'] = 'Link "%s" foi atualizado com sucesso'; // link categories $messages['error_invalid_link_category_id'] = 'The link category identifier was not correct or there was no link category selected'; $messages['error_links_in_link_category'] = 'Link category "%s" is used by some links. Modify the links first and try again'; $messages['error_removing_link_category'] = 'There was an error removing link category "%s"'; $messages['link_category_deleted_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" deleted successfully'; $messages['link_categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s link categories deleted successfully'; $messages['error_removing_link_category2'] = 'There was an error removing link category with identifier "%s"'; // new link category $messages['link_category_name_help'] = 'Nome a ser dado a esta categoria da ligação.'; $messages['error_adding_link_category'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar uma nova ligação'; $messages['link_category_added_ok'] = 'Ligação da categoria "%s" foi adicionada com sucesso'; // edit link category $messages['error_updating_link_category'] = 'There was an error updating the link category. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['link_category_updated_ok'] = 'Link da categoria "%s" atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['error_fetching_link_category'] = 'There was an error fetching the link category'; // custom fields $messages['type'] = 'Type'; $messages['hidden'] = 'Hidden'; $messages['fields_deleted_ok'] = '%s campos personalizado apagados com sucesso'; $messages['field_deleted_ok'] = 'O campos personalizados "%s" foram apagados com sucesso'; $messages['error_deleting_field'] = 'Houve um erro ao apagar o campo personalizado "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_field2'] = 'There was an error deleting custom field with identifier "%s"'; $messages['error_incorrect_field_id'] = 'O campo personalizado identificado não é válido'; // new custom field $messages['field_name_help'] = 'Identificador que será usado consultar ao valor deste campo nos postagens.'; $messages['field_description_help'] = 'Descrição breve deste campo que será mostrada ao adicionar ou ao editar postagens.'; $messages['field_type_help'] = 'Selecione um dos tipos de campo disponíveis.'; $messages['field_hidden_help'] = 'Se um campo for escondido, não se mostrará ao adicionar a ou ao editar uma postagem. Esta característica é usada principalmente para plugins.'; $messages['error_adding_custom_field'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar o campo personalizado. Verifique os dados e tente outra vez'; $messages['custom_field_added_ok'] = 'O Campo Personalizado "%s" adicionado com sucesso'; $messages['text_field'] = 'Campo de Texto'; $messages['text_area'] = 'Caixa de Texto'; $messages['checkbox'] = 'Caixa de Verificação'; $messages['date_field'] = 'Escolher Data'; // edit custom field $messages['error_fetching_custom_field'] = 'There was an error fetching the custom field'; $messages['error_updating_custom_field'] = 'Houve um erro ao atualizar o campo personalizado. Verifique os dados e tente outra vez'; $messages['custom_field_updated_ok'] = 'Campo personalizado "%s" foi atualizado com sucesso'; // resources $messages['root_album'] = 'Álbum Raiz'; $messages['num_resources'] = 'Número de Recursos'; $messages['total_size'] = 'Total do tamanho'; $messages['album'] = 'Album'; $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct'; $messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for LifeType to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders:


If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.'; $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s items deleted successfully'; $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Album "%s" has children. Please empty the album first and then try again.'; $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Item "%s"deleted successfully'; $messages['error_deleting_album'] = 'There was an error deleting album "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_album2'] = 'There was an error deleting album with identifier "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_resource'] = 'There was an error deleting resource "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_resource2'] = 'There was an error deleting resource with identifier "%s"'; $messages['error_no_resources_selected'] = 'No items were selected to delete'; $messages['resource_deleted_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" was deleted successfully'; $messages['album_deleted_ok'] = 'Album "%s" was deleted successfully'; $messages['add_resource'] = 'Adicionar recurso'; $messages['add_resource_preview'] = 'Adicionar previsão'; $messages['add_resource_medium'] = 'Adicionar previsão média'; $messages['add_album'] = 'Adicionar álbum'; // new album $messages['album_name_help'] = 'Nome curto para o album novo.'; $messages['parent'] = 'Raiz'; $messages['no_parent'] = 'Não-Raiz'; $messages['parent_album_help'] = 'Use isto ter albuns dentro dos albuns e organizar mais melhor seus arquivos.'; $messages['album_description_help'] = 'Descrição mais longa do conteúdo deste album.'; $messages['error_adding_album'] = 'There was an error adding the new album. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['album_added_ok'] = 'Album "%s" adicionado com sucesso'; // edit album $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct'; $messages['error_fetching_album'] = 'There was an error fetching the album'; $messages['error_updating_album'] = 'There was an error updating the album. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['album_updated_ok'] = 'Album "%s" foi atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['show_album_help'] = 'Desabilitado, o album não será mostrado na lista dos albuns disponíveis neste blog.'; // new resource $messages['file'] = 'Arquivo'; $messages['resource_file_help'] = 'Arquivo que será adicionado ao blog atual. Use o "Adicione o campo" para subir mais de um arquivo ao mesmo tempo.'; $messages['add_field'] = 'Adicione o campo'; $messages['resource_description_help'] = 'Descrição mais longa do conteúdo deste arquivo.'; $messages['resource_album_help'] = 'Selecione o album em que o arquivo será adicionada..'; $messages['error_no_resource_uploaded'] = 'There was no file selected to upload'; $messages['resource_added_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" added successfully'; $messages['error_resource_forbidden_extension'] = 'The file was not added because it is of a forbidden type'; $messages['error_resource_too_big'] = 'The file was not added because it is too big'; $messages['error_uploads_disabled'] = 'The file was not added because uploads have been disabled'; $messages['error_quota_exceeded'] = 'The file was not added because resource quota has been exceeded'; $messages['error_adding_resource'] = 'There was an error adding the resource file'; // edit resource $messages['editResource'] = 'Edit Resource'; $messages['resource_information_help'] = 'Below is some information about this resource file.'; $messages['information'] = 'Information'; $messages['thumbnail_format'] = 'Thumbnail format'; $messages['regenerate_preview'] = 'Regenerate preview'; $messages['error_fetching_resource'] = 'There was an error fetching the resource'; $messages['error_updating_resource'] = 'There was an error updating the resource'; $messages['resource_updated_ok'] = 'Recursos "%s" atualizado com sucesso'; // blog settings $messages['blog_link'] = 'Endereço do Blog'; $messages['blog_link_help'] = 'Permanent link to this blog'; $messages['blog_name_help'] = 'Título para este blog'; $messages['blog_description_help'] = 'Descrição mais longa sobre os conteúdos deste blog.'; $messages['language'] = 'Idioma'; $messages['blog_language_help'] = 'O idioma para os textos deste blog, no lado do público e administrativo.'; $messages['max_main_page_items'] = 'Número dos artigos na página principal'; $messages['max_main_page_items_help'] = 'Número de postagens que devem ser indicadas todas as vezes na página principal do blog.'; $messages['max_recent_items'] = 'Número de artigos recentes'; $messages['max_recent_items_help'] = 'Número máximo de postagens que serão mostradas como recentes na página inicial.'; $messages['template'] = 'Template'; $messages['choose'] = 'Escolha'; $messages['blog_template_help'] = 'Indique o template que será usado na tela de contéudo do blog. Esta lista inclui os templates globais e instalados somente para este blog.'; $messages['use_read_more'] = 'Use "mais..." no endereço da postagem'; $messages['use_read_more_help'] = 'Se habilitado, somente o digitado em "Texto" será apresentado na página principal. Ao fim indicar "Texto Extendido", um endereço como "mais..." será adicionado a cada postagem.'; $messages['enable_wysiwyg'] = 'Habilitar o editor visual para postagens'; $messages['enable_wysiwyg_help'] = 'Habilitar um editor mais poderoso, editor gráfico do HTML. O editor trabalha somente no Internet Explorer 5.5 e Mozilla 1.3 ou versões mais recentes.'; $messages['enable_comments'] = 'Habilitar comentários'; $messages['enable_comments_help'] = 'Habilitar comentários para todas as postagens.'; $messages['show_future_posts'] = 'Mostre as futuras postagens no calendário'; $messages['show_future_posts_help'] = 'As postagens que têm uma data no futuro devem aparecer no calendário e visível aos usuários.'; $messages['comments_order'] = 'Ordem dos comentários'; $messages['comments_order_help'] = 'Ordem em que os comentários devem ser indicados na página inicial.'; $messages['articles_order'] = 'Ordem dos artigos'; $messages['articles_order_help'] = 'Ordem em que os artigos devem ser indicados.'; $messages['oldest_first'] = 'O primeiro o mais velho'; $messages['newest_first'] = 'O primeiro o mais novo'; $messages['categories_order'] = 'Ordem das categorias'; $messages['categories_order_help'] = 'Ordem em que as categorias devem ser indicadas na página inicial.'; $messages['most_recent_updated_first'] = 'O mais recentemente atualizado'; $messages['alphabetical_order'] = 'Ordem Alfabetica'; $messages['reverse_alphabetical_order'] = 'Ordem alfabética reversa'; $messages['most_articles_first'] = 'Most articles first'; $messages['link_categories_order'] = 'Link categories order'; $messages['link_categories_order_help'] = 'Order in which link categories should appear in the front page.'; $messages['most_links_first'] = 'Most links first'; $messages['most_links_last'] = 'Most links last'; $messages['time_offset'] = 'Time offset'; $messages['time_offset_help'] = 'Time difference in hours that will be dynamically added to each date and time in the blog.'; $messages['close'] = 'Fechar'; $messages['select'] = 'Selecionar'; $messages['error_updating_settings'] = 'Houve um erro ao atualizar as configurações do blog. Verifique os dados e tente-os outra vez'; $messages['error_invalid_number'] = 'O número não está correto'; $messages['error_incorrect_time_offset'] = 'The time offset is not valid'; $messages['blog_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Atualizado com sucesso as configurações'; $messages['hours'] = 'Horas'; // user settings $messages['username_help'] = 'Nome de usuário/a Público. Não pode ser mudado.'; $messages['full_name'] = 'Nome Completo'; $messages['full_name_help'] = 'Coloque o nome completo'; $messages['password_help'] = 'Escreva e confirme a nova senha, ou deixe vazio para nenhuma mudança.'; $messages['confirm_password'] = 'Confirme a senha'; $messages['email'] = 'Email'; $messages['email_help'] = 'Endereço eletrônico para onde será enviado as notificações.'; $messages['bio'] = 'Sua biografia'; $messages['bio_help'] = 'Uma descrição mais longa do/a usuario/a.'; $messages['picture'] = 'Figuras'; $messages['user_picture_help'] = 'Adicione aqui uma imagem sua para este blog.'; $messages['error_invalid_password'] = 'A senha esta incorreta. Certifique-se que não é seja muito curto'; $messages['error_passwords_dont_match'] = 'Desculpe, as senhas não combinam'; $messages['error_updating_user_settings'] = 'Houve um erro ao atualiza as configurações do usuário. Verifique os dados e tente-os outra vez'; $messages['user_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Atualizado com sucesso as configurações'; $messages['resource'] = 'Recursos'; // plugin centre $messages['identifier'] = 'Identificador'; $messages['error_plugins_disabled'] = 'Desculpe, Plugins esta desabilitado.'; // blog users $messages['revoke_permissions'] = 'Revoke permissions'; $messages['error_no_users_selected'] = 'Não havia nenhum usuário selecionado'; $messages['user_removed_from_blog_ok'] = 'User "%s" does not have permissions to access this blog any more'; $messages['users_removed_from_blog_ok'] = '%s os usuários não têm mais o acesso a este blog'; $messages['error_removing_user_from_blog'] = 'There was an error removing access to this blog from user "%s"'; $messages['error_removing_user_from_blog2'] = 'There was an error removing access to this blog from user whose identifier is "%s"'; // new blog user $messages['new_blog_username_help'] = 'Nome de usuário/a a quem você quer dar acesso a este blog. Os/as novos/as usuários/as terão somente o acesso "Gerenciador" e "Recursos" das seções.'; $messages['send_notification'] = 'Enviar notificação'; $messages['send_user_notification_help'] = 'Enviar notificação para correio-eletrônico deste usuário.'; $messages['notification_text'] = 'Texto de Notificação'; $messages['notification_text_help'] = 'Texto que será incluído na mensagem da notificação.'; $messages['error_adding_user'] = 'Houve um erro ao criar novo usuário. Verifique por favor os dados e tente-os outra vez'; $messages['error_empty_text'] = 'Você deve fornecer algum texto'; $messages['error_adding_user'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar o usuário. Verifique os dados e tente-os outra vez'; $messages['error_invalid_user'] = 'The user "%s" is not valid or does not exist'; $messages['user_added_to_blog_ok'] = 'Usuário/a "%s" recebeu acesso a este blog com sucesso'; // blog templates $messages['error_no_templates_selected'] = 'Não havia nenhum template selecionado'; $messages['error_template_is_current'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the current one'; $messages['error_removing_template'] = 'There was an error deleting template "%s"'; $messages['template_removed_ok'] = 'Template "%s" apagado com sucesso'; $messages['templates_removed_ok'] = '%s templates apagados com sucesso'; // new blog template $messages['template_installed_ok'] = 'Template "%s" adicionado com sucesso'; $messages['error_installing_template'] = 'Houve erro na instalação do template "%s"'; $messages['error_missing_base_files'] = 'Some of the template files are missing'; $messages['error_add_template_disabled'] = 'New templates cannot be added because this feature has been disabled in this site'; $messages['error_must_upload_file'] = 'There was no template package uploaded'; $messages['error_uploads_disabled'] = 'Uploads have been disabled in this site'; $messages['error_no_new_templates_found'] = 'Nenhum template novo foi encontrado'; $messages['error_template_not_inside_folder'] = 'The files used in the template set must be inside a folder with the same name as the template set'; $messages['error_missing_base_files'] = 'Alguns arquivos básicos do template estão faltando'; $messages['error_unpacking'] = 'Houve um erro ao descompactar o arquivo'; $messages['error_forbidden_extensions'] = 'O template inclui arquivos com extensões proibidas'; $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Houve um erro ao criar a pasta temporária ao descompactar o arquivo'; $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Houve um erro a verificar o template: %s'; $messages['template_package'] = 'Pacote template'; $messages['blog_template_package_help'] = 'Use esse formulário para subir um novo template, que estará disponível para todos/as usuários de blogs local. Senão for possível subir os pacotes por esse formulário, suba os template manualmente e coloque dentro de %s, que é a pasta aonde os templates do seu blog ficam armazenados e clique no botão "Buscar templates". LifeType irá buscar na pasta e adicionará automaticamente todo novo template que puder encontrar.'; $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Buscar Templates'; // site users $messages['user_status_active'] = 'Ativar'; $messages['user_status_disabled'] = 'Desabilitar'; $messages['user_status_all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['user_status_unconfirmed'] = 'Unconfirmed'; $messages['error_invalid_user2'] = 'User with identifier "%s" does not exist'; $messages['error_deleting_user'] = 'There was an error disabling user "%s"'; $messages['user_deleted_ok'] = 'Usuário/a "%s" desabilitado com sucesso'; $messages['users_deleted_ok'] = '%s usuários/as desabilitados com sucesso'; // create user $messages['user_added_ok'] = 'Usuário/a "%s" adicionado com sucesso'; $messages['user_status_help'] = 'Situação atual para esse/a usuário/a'; $messages['user_blog_help'] = 'Blog a quem este usuário/a será atribuído inicialmente.'; $messages['none'] = 'Nenhum'; // edit user $messages['error_invalid_user'] = 'The user identifier is not correct or the user does not exist'; $messages['error_updating_user'] = 'There was an error updating the user settings. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['blogs'] = 'Blogs'; $messages['user_blogs_help'] = 'Blogs which this user currently owns or where this user has access.'; $messages['site_admin'] = 'Administrator'; $messages['site_admin_help'] = 'Whether this user has administrator privileges and is allowed to see the "Administration" area and perform administrative tasks.'; $messages['user_updated_ok'] = 'Usuário/a "%s" foi atualizado com sucesso'; // site blogs $messages['blog_status_all'] = 'Todos'; $messages['blog_status_active'] = 'Ativo'; $messages['blog_status_disabled'] = 'Desabilitado'; $messages['blog_status_unconfirmed'] = 'Unconfirmed'; $messages['owner'] = 'Dono/a'; $messages['quota'] = 'Cota'; $messages['bytes'] = 'bytes'; $messages['error_no_blogs_selected'] = 'No blogs were selected to disable'; $messages['error_blog_is_default_blog'] = 'Blog "%s" cannot be deleted because it is set as the default blog'; $messages['blog_deleted_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" desabilitado com sucesso'; $messages['blogs_deleted_ok'] = '%s blogs apagado com sucesso'; $messages['error_deleting_blog'] = 'There was an error disabling blog "%s"'; $messages['error_deleting_blog2'] = 'There was an error disabling blog with identifier "%s"'; // create blog $messages['error_adding_blog'] = 'Houve um erro ao criar o blog. Verifique os dados e tente-os outra vez'; $messages['blog_added_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" adicionado com sucesso'; // edit blog $messages['blog_status_help'] = 'Blog status'; $messages['blog_owner_help'] = 'Usuário/a que será ajustado/a como o/a proprietário/a, com todos os controle de ajustes do blog.'; $messages['users'] = 'Usuários/as'; $messages['blog_quota_help'] = 'Resource quota in bytes. Set as 0 for unlimited or leave empty to make the blog use the global quota.'; $messages['edit_blog_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['error_updating_blog_settings'] = 'There was an error updating blog "%s"'; $messages['error_incorrect_blog_owner'] = 'The user selected as blog owner is not correct'; $messages['error_fetching_blog'] = 'There was an error fetching the blog'; $messages['error_updating_blog_settings2'] = 'There was an error updating the blog. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['add_or_remove'] = 'Adicionar ou rmeover usuários/as'; // site locales $messages['locale'] = 'Idioma'; $messages['locale_encoding'] = 'Codificação'; $messages['locale_deleted_ok'] = 'Idioma "%s" apagado com sucesso'; $messages['error_no_locales_selected'] = 'There were no locales selected to remove'; $messages['error_deleting_only_locale'] = 'The locale cannot be deleted because is is the only one left in the system'; $messages['locales_deleted_ok']= '%s locales deleted successfully'; $messages['error_deleting_locale'] = 'There was an error deleting locale "%s"'; $messages['error_locale_is_default'] = 'Locale "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default locale for new blogs'; // add locale $messages['error_invalid_locale_file'] = 'O arquivo de idioma é inválido'; $messages['error_no_new_locales_found'] = 'Nenhum arquivo de idioma foi encontrado'; $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" added successfully'; $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'There was an error saving the new locale'; $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Buscar Idiomas'; $messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use este formulário para subir o o novo idioma. Senão consegui através deste formulário, suba o arquivo de idioma manualmente, coloque em ./locales/, que é a pasta aonde os arquivos de idioma ficam e clique no botão "Buscar Idiomas". LifeType irá fazer uma buscar dentro da pasta automaticamente pelo arquivo de idioma.'; // site templates $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default one for new blogs'; // add template $messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in %s, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the "Scan templates" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.'; // global settings $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Salvo com sucesso as configurações do Site'; $messages['error_saving_site_config'] = 'Houve um erro ao salvar as configurações'; /// general settings $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Habilitar comentário para novo por padrão. [Padrão = Sim]'; $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Se habilitados, os comentários afixados por usuários serão formatados adicionando parágrafos e automóvel-ligando todo o URLs. [Padrão = Sim]'; $messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that LifeType can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for increased security. [Default = ./tmp]'; $messages['help_base_url'] = 'Base URL where this blog is installed.'; $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Enable subdomains. Please see the documentation for more information regarding subdomains. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_include_blog_id_in_url'] = 'Meaningful only when subdomains are enabled and "normal" URLs are enabled, forces internally-generated URLs not to have the "blogId" parameter. Do not change unless you know what you are doing. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_script_name'] = 'Set this if you need to rename index.php to something else. [Default = index.php]'; $messages['help_show_posts_max'] = 'Maximum number of posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs. [Default = 15]'; $messages['help_recent_posts_max'] = 'Maximum number of recent posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs. [Default = 10]'; $messages['help_save_drafts_via_xmlhttprequest_enabled'] = 'Whether the feature that allows to save drafts via Javascript and XmlHttpRequest is enabled. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_locale_folder'] = 'Folder where the locale files are stored. [Default = ./locale]'; $messages['help_default_locale'] = 'Default language settings for new blogs. [Default = en_UK]'; $messages['help_default_blog_id'] = 'Default blog that will be shown if no other is specified. [Default = 1]'; $messages['help_default_time_offset'] = 'Default time offset for new blogs. [Default = 0]'; $messages['help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments'] = 'Space-separated list of the HTML tags that are allowed in comments. [Default = <a><i><br><br/><b>]'; $messages['help_referer_tracker_enabled'] = 'Enable the feature to save referrers to the database. Set to "No" for higher performance. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_show_more_enabled'] = 'Enable the "more..." feature by default for new blogs. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_update_article_reads'] = 'Enable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated or not. Set to "No" for higher performance. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_update_cached_article_reads'] = 'Enable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated, even when caching has been turned on. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled'] = 'Enable sending XMLRPC pings to sites that support this feature. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_send_xmlrpc_pings_enabled_by_default'] = 'Enable sending XMLRPC pings by default when posting or updating an article. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts'] = 'URL pointing to the XMLRPC interface of sites that support the XMLRPC ping specification. Put each URL in one new line. [Default =]'; $messages['help_trackback_server_enabled'] = 'Enable incoming trackbacks. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Enable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Enable plugins. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimum length for passwords. [Default = 4]'; $messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, LifeType will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, LifeType will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Please use this setting to change the folder where LifeType stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\'s default session folder. [Default = (empty)]'; // summary settings $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc). [Default = 10]'; $messages['help_summary_items_per_page'] = 'Number of blogs per page in the "Blogs List" section. [Default = 25]'; $messages['help_forbidden_usernames'] = 'List of usernames separated by a blank space that are not allowed to be registered. [Default = admin www blog ftp]'; $messages['help_force_one_blog_per_email_account'] = 'Restrict to only one blog per email account. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_summary_show_agreement'] = 'Mostre um texto do acordo e faça usuários aceitá-lo antes de proseguir ao processo do registo [Padrão = Sim]'; $messages['help_need_email_confirm_registration'] = 'Force users to confirm their registration by clicking a link embedded in an email sent to their account. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_summary_disable_registration'] = 'Desabilitar o registro de novos/as usuários/as e blogs pela interface pública. [Padrão = Sim]'; // templates $messages['help_template_folder'] = 'Folder where templates are stored. [Default = ./templates]'; $messages['help_default_template'] = 'Default template for new blogs. [Default = standard]'; $messages['help_users_can_add_templates'] = 'Allow users to upload their own custom templates. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'If enabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to "No" in order to disable the cache. [Default = -1]'; $messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, LifeType will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks. [Default = No]'; // urls $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Select one of the available URL format. If using custom URLs, make sure to configure the settings below. [Default = Plain]'; $messages['plain'] = 'Plain'; $messages['search_engine_friendly'] = 'Search engine friendly'; $messages['custom_url_format'] = 'Custom URLs'; $messages['help_permalink_format'] = 'Format for permalinks when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/{catname}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{postname}$]'; $messages['help_category_link_format'] = 'Format for links to categories when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/{catname}$]'; $messages['help_blog_link_format'] = 'Format for links to blogs when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}$]'; $messages['help_archive_link_format'] = 'Format for links to archives when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/archives/{year}/?{month}/?{day}]'; $messages['help_user_posts_link_format'] = 'Format for articles posted by a certain user when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/user/{username}$]'; $messages['help_post_trackbacks_link_format'] = 'Format for links to the trackbacks page when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/post/trackbacks/{postname}$]'; $messages['help_template_link_format'] = 'Format for links to custom static template pages when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/content/{templatename}$]'; $messages['help_album_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource albums when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/album/{albumname}$]'; $messages['help_resource_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource pages with files when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/resource/{albumname}/{resourcename}$]'; $messages['help_resource_preview_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource previews when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/resource/{albumname}/preview/{resourcename}$]'; $messages['help_resource_medium_size_preview_link_format'] = 'Format for links to medium-sized resource previews when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/resource/{albumname}/preview-med/{resourcename}$]'; $messages['help_resource_download_link_format'] = 'Format for links to files when using custom URLs. [Default = /blog/{blogname}/resource/{albumname}/download/{resourcename}$]'; // email $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'When checking email addresses, perform some basic checks to see whether an MX record exists in the given domain and if so, if the email address is actually a valid mailbox. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Enable outgoing emails [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from LifeType. [Default =]'; $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Which system to use in order to send emails. [Default = PHP]'; $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'If using SMTP as the email sending system, set this to the SMTP server that will be used to send out the messages. [Default = (empty)]'; $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'If the SMTP server is running in a port other than 25, configure this value. [Default = (empty)]'; $messages['help_smtp_use_authentication'] = 'Enable this if the SMTP server requires basic authentication. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_smtp_username'] = 'If the SMTP server requires authentication, set this to the right username. [Default = (empty)]'; $messages['help_smtp_password'] = 'If the SMTP server requires authentication, set this to the password of the username above. [Default = (empty)]'; // helpers $messages['help_path_to_tar'] = 'Path to the "tar" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.gz or tar.bz2 formats. [Default = /bin/tar]'; $messages['help_path_to_gzip'] = 'Path to the "gzip" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.gz format. [Default = /bin/gzip]'; $messages['help_path_to_bz2'] = 'Path to the "bzip2" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.bz2 format. [Default = /usr/bin/bzip2]'; $messages['help_path_to_unzip'] = 'Path to the "unzip" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .zip format. [Default = /usr/bin/unzip]'; $messages['help_unzip_use_native_version'] = 'Use a bundled PHP native version to unpack .zip files. [Default = No]'; // uploads $messages['help_uploads_enabled'] = 'Whether users are allowed to upload files. This affects the resources section and the upload of custom templates and locales. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_maximum_file_upload_size'] = 'Maximum file size allowed in bytes. This limit will never be higher than PHP\'s own limit. [Default = 2000000]'; $messages['help_upload_forbidden_files'] = 'Space-separated list of file types not allowed to be uploaded. Usage of \'*\' and \'?\' is allowed. [Default = *.php *.php3 *.php4 *.phtml]'; // interfaces $messages['help_xmlrpc_api_enabled'] = 'Enable XMLRPC access to blogs. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_rdf_enabled'] = 'Enable the syndication of contents via Atom or RSS. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_default_rss_profile'] = 'Default version of RSS or Atom used to syndicate contents unless otherwise specified. [Default = RSS 1.0]'; // security $messages['help_security_pipeline_enabled'] = 'Enable the security pipeline and all related filters. This also affects plugins that register new filters. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_maximum_comment_size'] = 'Maximum size in bytes that a comment can have, set to 0 to disable this feature. [Default = 0]'; // bayesian filter $messages['help_bayesian_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable the Bayesian filter for improved automatic spam filtering. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold'] = 'Maximum threshold before which a comment can be considered spam. [Default = 0.9]'; $messages['help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold'] = 'Minimum threshold after which a post can be considered non-spam. [Default = 0.2]'; $messages['help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token'] = 'Minimum length of a token in order for it to be considered meaningful for the Bayesian filter. [Default = 3]'; $messages['help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token'] = 'Maximum length of a token in order for it to be considered meaningful for the Bayesian filter. [Default = 100]'; $messages['help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens'] = 'Number of significant tokens. [Default = 15]'; $messages['help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action'] = 'What to do with comments that are considered spam. Set to "Throw away" only when your filter has been properly trained. [Default = Keep]'; $messages['keep_spam_comments'] = 'Keep in the database marked as "Spam"'; $messages['throw_away_spam_comments'] = 'Throw them away (do not save them)'; // resources $messages['help_resources_enabled'] = 'Enable resources. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_resources_folder'] = 'Relative path to the folder where resource files (pictures, videos etc.) will be kept. [Default = ./gallery]'; $messages['help_thumbnail_method'] = 'Method used to generate thumbnails. If using PHP, support for GD is required. [Default = PHP]'; $messages['help_path_to_convert'] = 'Path to the "convert" tool from the ImageMagick package. Mandatory if the thumbnail method is "ImageMagick". [Default = /usr/bin/convert]'; $messages['help_thumbnail_format'] = 'Format in which thumbnails are saved. [Default = Same as image]'; $messages['help_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for small thumbnails. [Default = 120]'; $messages['help_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for small thumbnails. [Default = 120]'; $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for medium thumbnails. [Default = 480]'; $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for medium thumbnails. [Default = 640]'; $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Keep the aspect ratio when generating thumbnails. Might generate thumbnails bigger than the sizes specified above but quality is better. [Default = Yes]'; $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force LifeType to use GD1-only functions. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algorithm used to smooth thumbnails. Only used when the thumbnail method is GD. [Default = PHP Imagecopyresampled]'; $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Global resource quota for blogs in bytes (i.e. 5242880 Bytes = 5MB), or set to 0 for unlimited quota. [Default = 0]'; $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for the "If-Modified-Since" header and HTTP conditional requests. Enable for increased bandwidth savings. [Default = No]'; $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_lifetime'] = 'Time in seconds that clients should use the cached version of resources. [Default = 86400]'; $messages['same_as_image'] = 'Same as original image'; // search $messages['help_search_engine_enabled'] = 'Enable the search engine. [Padrão = Sim]'; $messages['help_search_in_custom_fields'] = 'Procurar em campo personalizado. [Padrão = Sim]'; $messages['help_search_in_comments'] = 'Procurar em comentários. [Padrão = Sim]'; // cleanup $messages['purge'] = 'Purge'; $messages['cleanup_spam'] = 'Purge Spam'; $messages['cleanup_spam_help'] = 'This will remove all comments that have been marked as spam by users. It will not be possible to recover them once they have been removed.'; $messages['spam_comments_purged_ok'] = 'Spam comments purged successfully'; $messages['cleanup_posts'] = 'Purge Posts'; $messages['cleanup_posts_help'] = 'This will remove all posts that have been deleted by users (marked as "Deleted") It will not be possible to recover them once they have been removed.'; $messages['posts_purged_ok'] = 'Posts purged successfully'; $messages['purging_error'] = 'There was a failure while purging the data'; /// summary /// // front page $messages['summary'] = 'Sumário'; $messages['register'] = 'Registrar'; $messages['summary_welcome'] = 'Bem-vind@!'; $messages['summary_most_active_blogs'] = 'Blogs ativos'; $messages['summary_most_commented_articles'] = 'Artigos comentados'; $messages['summary_most_read_articles'] = 'Ler Artigos'; $messages['password_forgotten'] = 'Esqueceu sua senha?'; $messages['summary_newest_blogs'] = 'Blogs recentes'; $messages['summary_latest_posts'] = 'Postagens antigas'; $messages['summary_search_blogs'] = 'Procurar Blogs'; // blog list $messages['updated'] = 'Atualizado'; $messages['total_reads'] = 'total'; // blog profile $messages['blog'] = 'Blog'; $messages['latest_posts'] = 'Próximas postagens'; // registration $messages['register_step0_title'] = 'Termo de aceitação do Serviço'; $messages['agreement'] = 'Acordo'; $messages['decline'] = 'Rejeitar'; $messages['accept'] = 'Aceitar'; $messages['read_service_agreement'] = 'Leia por favor os termos deste serviço e clique em botão "Aceitar" para concordar'; $messages['register_step1_title'] = 'Críe um usuário [1/4]'; $messages['register_step1_help'] = 'Necessário criar um(a) usuário/a para seguir a criação do novo blog. Este usuário será o proprietário do blog e terá o acesso a todas suas funcionalidades.'; $messages['register_next'] = 'Próximo'; $messages['register_back'] = 'Anterior'; $messages['register_step2_title'] = 'Críe um blog [2/4]'; $messages['register_blog_name_help'] = 'Nome para seu blog novo'; $messages['register_step3_title'] = 'Escolha um template [3/4]'; $messages['step1'] = 'Etapa 1'; $messages['step2'] = 'Etapa 2'; $messages['step3'] = 'Etapa 3'; $messages['register_step3_help'] = 'Selecione por favor um dos templates disponíveis como o padrão para seu blog. Se você não gostar de nenhum, pode sempre ser mudado.'; $messages['error_must_choose_template'] = 'Escolha um template'; $messages['select_template'] = 'Selecione template'; $messages['register_step5_title'] = 'Felicitações! [4/4]'; $messages['finish'] = 'Finalizado'; $messages['register_need_confirmation'] = 'Foi enviado uma mensagem de confirmação para seu correio-eletrônico, clique no endereço que aparece na mensagem para começar a postar no seu blog!'; $messages['register_step5_help'] = 'Parabéns, seu usuário novo e o blog foram criados com sucesso!'; $messages['register_blog_link'] = 'Se você gostaria de olhar seu blogue novo, você pode ir lá agora: %1$s'; $messages['register_blog_admin_link'] = 'Se você prefere começar publicar imediatamente, clique para ir à interface de administração'; $messages['register_error'] = 'Houve um erro durante o processo'; $messages['error_registration_disabled'] = 'Desculpe, o registro de novos blogs neste local foi desabilitado'; // registration article topic and text $messages['register_default_article_topic'] = 'Felicitações!'; $messages['register_default_article_text'] = 'If you can read this post, it means that the registration process was successful and that you can start blogging'; $messages['register_default_category'] = 'Geral'; // confirmation email $messages['register_confirmation_email_text'] = 'Clique nesta ligação para ativar seu blog: %s Have a nice day'; $messages['error_invalid_activation_code'] = 'Desculpe, o código da confirmação é inválido'; $messages['blog_activated_ok'] = 'Felicitações, seu usuário novo e o blog foram validados com sucesso!'; // forgot your password? $messages['reset_password'] = 'Restaurar sua senha'; $messages['reset_password_username_help'] = 'Nome da senha que do usuário cuja você gostaria de restaurar.'; $messages['reset_password_email_help'] = 'Correio-eletrônico que foi usado registar este usuário.'; $messages['reset_password_help'] = 'Use este formulário para restaurar a senha de seu usuário, se você não a recordar. Digite o nome do/a usuário/a cuja a senha você gostaria de restaurar, e o correio-eletrônico que foi usado registar este/a usuário/a.'; $messages['error_resetting_password'] = 'There was an error resetting the password. Please check the data and try again'; $messages['reset_password_error_incorrect_email_address'] = 'The email address is not correct or it is not the email address used to register this user'; $messages['password_reset_message_sent_ok'] = 'An email message with a link has been sent to your email address. Please click the link in order to reset your password'; $messages['error_incorrect_request'] = 'The parameters in the URL are not correct'; $messages['change_password'] = 'Inserir nova senha'; $messages['change_password_help'] = 'Digite e confirme sua senha nova.'; $messages['new_password'] = 'Nova Senha'; $messages['new_password_help'] = 'Digite aqui sua nova senha.'; $messages['password_updated_ok'] = 'Sua senha foi atualizada com sucesso'; // Suggested by BCSE, some useful messages that not available in official locale $messages['upgrade_information'] = 'This page looks plain and un-styled because you\'re using a non-standard compliant browser. To see it in its best form, please upgrade to a browser that supports web standards. It\'s free and painless.'; $messages['jump_to_navigation'] = 'Jump to Navigation.'; $messages['comment_email_never_display'] = 'Line and paragraph breaks automatic, e-mail address never displayed.'; $messages['comment_html_allowed'] = 'HTML allowed: <a href="" title="" rel=""> <acronym title=""> <blockquote cite=""> <del> <em> <ins> <strong>'; $messages['trackback_uri'] = 'The URI to trackback this entry is: '; $messages['xmlrpc_ping_ok'] = 'XMLRPC Ping sent successfully: '; $messages['error_sending_xmlrpc_ping'] = 'There was an error sending the XMLRPC ping to: '; $messages['error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message'] = 'There was an error sending the XMLRPC ping: '; // // new strings for 1.1 // $messages['error_incorrect_trackback_id'] = 'The trackback identifier is not correct'; $messages['error_marking_trackback_as_spam'] = 'There was an error marking the trackback as spam'; $messages['trackback_marked_as_spam_ok'] = 'The trackback was marked as successfully as spam'; $messages['error_marking_trackback_as_nonspam'] = 'There was an error marking the trackback as non-spam'; $messages['trackback_marked_as_nonspam_ok'] = 'The trackback was marked successfully as non-spam'; $messages['upload_here'] = 'Upload here'; $messages['cleanup_users'] = 'Purge Users'; $messages['cleanup_users_help'] = 'This will remove all users that have been disabled by administrator (marked as "Disabled"). It will also remove any blogs that user own including everything in that blog. If user has permission to post in other blog, all posts made by them will be deleted as well. It will not be possible to recover once users have been removed.'; $messages['users_purged_ok'] = 'Users purged successfully'; $messages['cleanup_blogs'] = 'Purge Blogs'; $messages['cleanup_blogs_help'] = 'This will remove all blogs that have been disabled by administrator (marked as "Disabled"). It will remove everything in that blog. It will not be possible to recover once blogs have been removed.'; $messages['blogs_purged_ok'] = 'Blogs purged successfully'; $messages['help_use_http_accept_language_detection'] = 'Most web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer send at least one language code the user should understand. If this feature is activated, LifeType tries to serve the user with the requested language if it\'s available. [Default = No]'; $messages['error_invalid_blog_category'] = 'Categoria de Blog inválida'; $messages['error_adding_blog_category'] = 'Houve um erro ao adicionar a categoria do blogue'; $messages['newBlogCategory'] = 'Nova Categoria do Blog'; $messages['editBlogCategories'] = 'Categorias do Blog'; $messages['blog_category_added_ok'] = 'Categoria de Blog adicionada com sucesso'; $messages['error_blog_category_has_blogs'] = 'The blog category "%s" has some blogs assigned to it. Please remove the blogs from the category and then try again.'; $messages['error_deleting_blog_category'] = 'There was an error deleting blog category "%s"'; $messages['blog_category_deleted_ok'] = 'Categoria de Blog "%s" foi apagada com sucesso'; $messages['blog_categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s categoria de blog apagado com sucesso'; $messages['error_deleting_blog_category2'] = 'Houve um erro ao remove a categoria do blog com a identificação %s'; $messages['blog_category'] = 'Categoria do Blog'; $messages['blog_category_help'] = 'Categoria global do blog atribuída a este blog.'; $messages['help_use_captcha_auth'] = 'Use a CAPTCHA mechanism in the registration process to prevent automatic registration by robotic scripts. [ Default = No ]'; $messages['help_skip_dashboard'] = 'The dashboard page will not be shown anymore and instead users will be taken to the first blog to which they belong right away. [ Default = No ]'; $messages['manageGlobalArticleCategory'] = 'Categorias Global de Artigos'; $messages['newGlobalArticleCategory'] = 'Nova Categoria Global do artigo'; $messages['editGlobalArticleCategories'] = 'Global Article Categories'; $messages['global_category_name_help'] = 'Nome da categoria global nova do artigo.'; $messages['global_category_description_help'] = 'Descrição da categoria global nova do artigo.'; $messages['error_incorrect_global_category_id'] = 'Categoria global inválida do artigo'; $messages['global_category_deleted_ok'] = 'Categoria de artigo "%s" apagado com sucesso'; $messages['global_category_added_ok'] = 'Categoria global "%s" adicionado com sucesso'; $messages['error_deleting_global_category2'] = 'Houve um erro ao remover a categoria do artigo com id = %s'; $messages['help_page_suffix_format'] = 'Suffix that will be appended to URLs that support paging. [ Default = /page/{page} ]'; $messages['help_final_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Final width of uploaded images. Leave empty or as zero to store the full size image. [ Default = 0 ]'; $messages['help_final_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Final height of uploaded images. Leave empty or as zero to store the full size image. [ Default = 0 ]'; $messages['error_comment_too_big'] = 'O comentário é demasiado grande'; $messages['error_you_have_been_blocked'] = 'Blocked: this request was not completed.'; $messages['created'] = 'Criado'; $messages['view'] = 'Visualizar'; $messages['editUser'] = 'Editar Usuário/ar'; $messages['help_urlize_word_separator'] = 'Character that will be used as the word separator when generating URLs pointing to LifeType pages. This will also be used when generating hostnames from blog names if support for subdomains is activated. [ Default = - ]'; $messages['help_summary_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Life time in seconds of the summary cached pages. If set to something else than \'0\' the summary pages will be kept for as long as indicated here insted of being refreshed every time data changes. [ Default = 0 ]'; $messages['register_default_album_name'] = 'Geral'; $messages['register_default_album_description'] = 'Use this album to upload new pictures.'; $messages['show_in_summary'] = 'Apresentar em Sumário'; $messages['show_in_summary_help'] = 'Inclua este blog na página sumária deste site.'; $messages['saving_message'] = 'Salvando ...'; $messages['show_option_panel'] = 'Apresentar Opções'; $messages['hide_option_panel'] = 'Hide Options'; $messages['quick_launches'] = 'Lançamentos Rápidos'; $messages['confirmation_message_resent_ok'] = 'Confirmation message resent successfully.'; $messages['goto_blog_page'] = 'Go to %s'; $messages['help_num_blogs_per_user'] = 'Number of blogs that an owner can create through the administration interface.'; $messages['massive_change_option'] = 'Bulk Edit Options'; $messages['show_massive_change_option'] = 'Show Bulk Edit Options'; $messages['hide_massive_change_option'] = 'Hide Bulk Edit Options'; $messages['change_status'] = 'Change Status'; $messages['change_category'] = 'Change Category'; $messages['error_updating_comment_no_comment'] = 'There was an error updating the comment. Comment #%s could not be found'; $messages['error_updating_comment_wrong_blog'] = 'There was an error updating the comment. Comment (%s) is not posted on this blog.'; $messages['error_updating_comment'] = 'There was an error updating (%s)'; $messages['error_updating_comment_already_updated'] = 'No change made to (%s)'; $messages['comment_updated_ok'] = 'Comment successfully updated.'; $messages['comments_updated_ok'] = '%s comments successfully updated.'; $messages['error_post_status'] = 'Please select post status.'; $messages['error_comment_status'] = 'Selecione situação de comentário.'; $messages['admin_mode'] = 'Admin Mode'; $messages['administrate_user_blog'] = 'Administrate this blog'; $messages['trackbacks_updated_ok'] = '%s trackbacks atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['trackback_updated_ok'] = 'Trackback atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['error_trackback_status'] = 'Selecione uma Situação válida'; $messages['select'] = 'Selecionar'; $messages['remove_selected'] = 'Remover Selecionados'; $messages['notification_subject'] = 'LifeType Sistema de Notificação'; $messages['error_no_trackback_links_sent'] = 'Perigo: No Trackbacks were sent.'; $messages['help_http_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the client side cache (browsers will not return to the server for this long, and pages will be served from the local cache. This greatly speeds up the browsing experience, but will delay post and comment visibility. [Default = 1800]'; $messages['trackbacks_no_trackback'] = 'Sending a trackback to the following URL failed: '; $messages['error_comment_spam_throw_away'] = 'You cannot post this message. Anti-spam filter has blocked it.'; $messages['error_comment_spam_keep'] = 'The anti-spam filter has put your comment in the moderation queue and it will have to be approved by the blog owner.'; $messages['blog_categories'] = 'Blog Categorias'; $messages['global_article_categories'] = 'Global Article Categories'; $messages['help_force_posturl_unique'] = 'Force all post URLs within a blog to be unique. This is only needed if you are changing the URLs and are removing the date portions of the URL. [ Default = no ]'; $messages['default_send_notification'] = 'Padrão de Enviar Notificação'; $messages['enable_pull_down_menu'] = 'Pull Down Menu'; $messages['enable_pull_down_menu_help'] = 'Enable the pull down menu.'; $messages['change_album'] = 'Change Album'; $messages['warning_autosave_message'] = 'Error

Você parece ter saido sem conservar sua postagem. Se assim, você pode clicar aqui para restaurar ou aqui para apagar.

'; $messages['check_username'] = 'Verificando'; $messages['check_username_ok'] = 'O nome do usuário está disponível!'; $messages['error_username_exist'] = 'Desculpe! O nome do usuário não está disponível, tente outros.'; $messages['error_rule_email_dns_server_temp_fail'] = 'Falha temporária - tente outra vez mais tarde.'; $messages['error_rule_email_dns_server_unreachable'] = 'Email server unreachable.'; $messages['error_rule_email_dns_not_permitted'] = 'E-mail não permitido.'; $messages['blog_users_help'] = 'Usuários/as que têm o acesso a este blog.'; $messages['summary_welcome_paragraph'] = 'This message is only a placeholder and should be edited when customizing this page for your service. This message is currently stored in the en_UK locale file but you may also edit the template templates/summary/index.template and place your text there.'; $messages['first_day_of_week'] = 0; $messages['first_day_of_week_label'] = 'Primeiro dia da semana'; $messages['first_day_of_week_help'] = 'Primeiro dia da semana no calendário.'; $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'When subdomains are enabled, this base URL is used instead of base_url. Use {blogname} to get the blog name, {username} to get the name of the user owner of the blog and {blogdomain} to allow the user to specify any subdomain in order to generate a link to a blog. (e.g. http://{blogname}'; $messages['registration_default_subject'] = 'LifeType confirmação do registo'; $messages['error_invalid_subdomain'] = 'The subdomain name is not valid or it is not unique'; $messages['register_blog_domain_help'] = 'Name and subdomain that you would like to use for your new blog.'; $messages['domain'] = 'Domain'; $messages['help_subdomains_available_domains'] = 'Enter a space delimited set of main domains allowed. The user will be presented with a dropdown list of these values, and can add any subdomain he wants. This is only used if you enabled subdomains and used {blogdomain} in the subdomain_base_url above. Use a \'?\' if you want to allow any domain.'; $messages['subdomains_any_domain'] = '<- Multi-domain enabled. Type in the full domain.'; $messages['error_updating_blog_subdomain'] = 'There was an error updating the subdomain. Please check the data and try again.'; $messages['error_updating_blog_main_domain'] = 'There was an error updating the main domain setting. This probably means the site administrator has configured something incorrectly.'; $messages['monthsshort'] = Array( 'Jan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Out', 'Nov', 'Dez' ); $messages['weekdaysshort'] = Array( 'Dom', 'Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sab' ); $messages['search_type'] = 'Procurar em'; $messages['posts'] = 'Postagens'; $messages['blogs'] = 'Blogs'; $messages['resources'] = 'Recursos'; $messages['upload_in_progress'] = 'Subindo. Aguarde...'; $messages['error_incorrect_username'] = 'The username is not correct, it is already in use or it is too long (maximum 15 characters)'; $messages['Miscellaneous'] = 'Miscelânea'; $messages['Plugins'] = 'Plugins'; $messages['auth_img'] = 'Código de Autenticação'; $messages['auth_img_help'] = 'Digite o código que você vê na imagem abaixo.'; $messages['global_category'] = 'Categoria Global'; $messages['global_article_category_help'] = 'Uma categoria abragente para esta postagem.'; $messages['password_reset_subject'] = 'LifeType Requer Senha'; // // new strings for LifeType 1.2 // $messages['auth'] = 'Auth'; $messages['authenticated'] = 'Autenticado'; $messages['dropdown_list_field'] = 'Drop-down list'; $messages['values'] = 'Field values'; $messages['field_values'] = 'Values that will be shown as options in this field. The first one will be used as the default option.'; $messages['permission_added_ok'] = 'Permission added successfullly'; $messages['core_perm'] = 'Core Permission'; $messages['admin_only'] = 'Admin Only'; $messages['permissionsList'] = 'Permissões'; $messages['newPermission'] = 'Nova Permissão'; $messages['permission_name_help'] = 'Nome original para a permissão'; $messages['permission_description_help'] = 'Descrição para se dada permissão'; $messages['core_perm_help'] = 'If this permission is part of the core permissions, it will not be possible to delete it'; $messages['admin_only_help'] = 'Whether this permission can only be assigned by administrator users'; $messages['error_adding_new_permission'] = 'There was an error adding the new permission, please check your data'; $messages['error_incorrect_permission_id'] = 'The permission identifier was not correct'; $messages['error_permission_cannot_be_deleted'] = 'Permission "%s" cannot be deleted because either it has been granted to at least one user or it is a core permission.'; $messages['error_deleting_permission'] = 'There was an error deleting permission "%s"'; $messages['permission_deleted_ok'] = 'Permission "%s" was deleted successfully'; $messages['permissions_deleted_ok'] = '%s permissions successfully deleted'; $messages['error_deleting_permission2'] = 'There was an error deleting permission with identifier "%s"'; $messages['help_hard_show_posts_max'] = 'Maximum upper limit for articles shown in blog pages. If users set a custom value over this limit, it will be ignored and the value specified here will be used. [ Default = 50 ]'; $messages['help_hard_recent_posts_max'] = 'Maximum upper limit for recent articles shown in blog pages. If users set a custom value over this limit, it will be ignored and the value specified here will be used [ Default = 25 ]'; $messages['error_permission_required'] = 'Você não tem permissão para essa ação'; $messages['user_permissions_updated_ok'] = 'As permissões do usuário foi atualizado com sucesso'; // blog permissions $messages['add_album_desc'] = 'Adicionar novos albuns'; $messages['add_blog_template_desc'] = 'Add new blog templates'; $messages['add_blog_user_desc'] = 'Add new blog users'; $messages['add_category_desc'] = 'Adicionar novas categorias'; $messages['add_custom_field_desc'] = 'Adicionar novos campos personalizados'; $messages['add_link_desc'] = 'Adicionar novo endereço'; $messages['add_link_category_desc'] = 'Add new link categories'; $messages['add_post_desc'] = 'Adiconar novas postagens'; $messages['add_resource_desc'] = 'Adicionar novos recursos'; $messages['blog_access_desc'] = 'Permita o acesso a este blog'; $messages['update_album_desc'] = 'Atualizar albuns existentes'; $messages['update_blog_desc'] = 'Update the blog settings'; $messages['update_blog_template_desc'] = 'Update a blog template'; $messages['update_blog_user_desc'] = 'Atualizar permissões de usuarios/as'; $messages['update_category_desc'] = 'Atualizando categorias existentes'; $messages['update_comment_desc'] = 'Update existing comments'; $messages['update_custom_field_desc'] = 'Update existing custom fields'; $messages['update_link_desc'] = 'Update existing links'; $messages['update_link_category_desc'] = 'Update existing link categories'; $messages['update_post_desc'] = 'Update existing posts'; $messages['update_resource_desc'] = 'Update existing resources'; $messages['update_trackback_desc'] = 'Update existing trackbacks'; $messages['view_blog_templates_desc'] = 'View the blog templates'; $messages['view_blog_users_desc'] = 'View the blog users'; $messages['view_categories_desc'] = 'View the blog categories'; $messages['view_comments_desc'] = 'View the blog comments'; $messages['view_custom_fields_desc'] = 'View the blog custom fields'; $messages['view_links_desc'] = 'View the blog links'; $messages['view_link_categories_desc'] = 'View the blog link categories'; $messages['view_posts_desc'] = 'Visualizar postagem do blog'; $messages['view_resources_desc'] = 'View the blog resources'; $messages['view_trackbacks_desc'] = 'View the blog trackbacks'; $messages['login_perm_desc'] = 'É permitido acesso ao usuário'; // admin permissions $messages['add_blog_category_desc'] = 'User can add blog categories'; $messages['add_global_article_category_desc'] = 'User can add global article categories'; $messages['add_locale_desc'] = 'User can add new locales'; $messages['add_permission_desc'] = 'User can add new permissions'; $messages['add_site_blog_desc'] = 'User can add new blogs'; $messages['add_template_desc'] = 'User can add new templates'; $messages['add_user_desc'] = 'User can add new users'; $messages['edit_blog_admin_mode_desc'] = 'User can administrate other blogs (admin mode)'; $messages['purge_data_desc'] = 'User can purge data'; $messages['update_blog_category_desc'] = 'User can update and delete blog categories'; $messages['update_global_article_category_desc'] = 'User can update and delete global article categories'; $messages['update_global_settings_desc'] = 'User can update the site settings'; $messages['update_locale_desc'] = 'User can update and delete locales'; $messages['update_permission_desc'] = 'User can update and delete permissions'; $messages['update_plugin_settings_desc'] = 'User can update plugin settings'; $messages['update_site_blog_desc'] = 'User can update and delete blogs'; $messages['update_template_desc'] = 'User can update and delete templates'; $messages['update_user_desc'] = 'User can update and delete users'; $messages['view_blog_categories'] = 'User can view the blog categories'; $messages['view_global_article_categories_desc'] = 'User can view the global article categories'; $messages['view_global_settings_desc'] = 'User can view the site settings'; $messages['view_locales_desc'] = 'User can view the locales'; $messages['view_permissions_desc'] = 'User can view the permissions'; $messages['view_plugins_desc'] = 'User can view the installed plugins'; $messages['view_site_blogs_desc'] = 'User can view the site blogs'; $messages['view_templates_desc'] = 'User can view the templates'; $messages['view_users_desc'] = 'User can view the users'; $messages['update_blog_stats_desc'] = 'User can delete referrers'; $messages['manage_admin_plugins_desc'] = 'Manage the admin-only features of plugins'; $messages['summary_welcome_msg'] = 'Bem-vindo/a, %s!'; $messages['summary_go_to_admin'] = 'Voltar para interface administrativa'; $messages['error_can_only_update_own_articles'] = 'Your permissions allow you only to modify your own articles.'; $messages['update_all_user_articles_desc'] = 'Allow to modify other users\' articles'; $messages['error_can_only_view_own_articles'] = 'Your permissions allow you only to see your own articles.'; $messages['view_all_user_articles_desc'] = 'Allow to view other users\' articles'; $messages['error_fetching_permission'] = 'There was an error loading the permission'; $messages['editPermission'] = 'Edit Permission'; $messages['error_updating_permission'] = 'There was an error updating the permission'; $messages['permission_updated_ok'] = 'Permission updated succesfully'; $messages['error_adding_permission'] = 'There was an error adding the permission'; $messages['error_cannot_login'] = 'Desculpe, não é permitido acessar com esse login'; $messages['admin_user_permissions_help'] = 'Site-wide permissions granted to this user'; $messages['permissions'] = 'Permissões'; $messages['blog_user_permissions_help'] = 'Permissões atribuídas a este usuário neste blog'; $messages['pluginSettings'] = 'Configuração de Plugin'; $messages['user_can_override'] = 'Users can override'; $messages['user_cannot_override'] = 'Users cannot override'; $messages['global_plugin_settings_saved_ok'] = 'Salvo com sucesso as alterações em Global plugin'; $messages['error_updating_global_plugin_settings'] = 'There was an error saving the the global plugin settings'; $messages['error_incorrect_value'] = 'O valor não está correto'; $messages['parameter'] = 'Parametro'; $messages['value'] = 'Valor'; $messages['override'] = 'Override'; $messages['editCustomField'] = 'Edit Custom Field'; $messages['view_blog_stats_desc'] = 'Visualizar as estatísticas do blog'; $messages['manage_plugins_desc'] = 'Manage blog plugins'; $messages['error_global_category_has_articles'] = 'The global article category cannot be deleted because it still has articles'; $messages['error_adding_global_article_category'] = 'There was an error adding the global article category'; $messages['temp_folder_reset_ok'] = 'The temporary folder was successfully cleaned up'; $messages['cleanup_temp_help'] = 'This will trigger a clean up of the temporary folder, forcing the data cache and the template cache to be reset for all blogs.'; $messages['cleanup_temp'] = 'Purge temporary folder'; $messages['comment_only_auth_users'] = 'Only authenticated users can comment'; $messages['comment_only_auth_users_help'] = 'Only those users who have logged in with a valid user name and password will be allowed to write comments'; $messages['show_comments_max'] = 'Comentários por página'; $messages['show_comments_max_help'] = 'Número máximo dos comentários por página [ Padrão = 20 ]'; $messages['hard_show_comments_max_help'] = 'Hard limit for the number of comments per page [ Padrão = 50 ]'; $messages['error_resource_not_whitelisted_extension'] = 'This file is not one of the allowed types.'; $messages['help_upload_allowed_files'] = 'Space-separated list of file types that are allowed to be uploaded. Usage of \'*\' and \'?\' is allowed. If both upload_forbidden_file and this option are set, the whitelist (upload_allowed_files) takes precedence over the blacklist [Default = None]'; $messages['help_template_load_order'] = 'Defines in which order template files are searched and loaded. If using \'Load default templates first\', LifeType will try to find files first in the templates/default/ folder and if not available there, then it will load the user\'s template files. If the same template file exists in both places, the default one takes precedence. If set to \'Load user templates first\', user templates are always loaded first and if unavailable, then the default one is used. If the same template file exists in both places, the user template always takes precedence.'; $messages['template_load_order_user_first'] = 'Load default templates first'; $messages['template_load_order_default_first'] = 'Load user templates first'; $messages['editBlogUser'] = 'Edit Blog User'; $messages['help_summary_service_name'] = 'Name of your site/service that will appear in several places in the front page as well as in the RSS feeds [ Default = empty ]'; $messages['register_step2_help'] = 'Forneça as informações requerida para criar um blog.'; $messages['create_date'] = 'Criado na data'; $messages['insert_media'] = 'Inserir mídia'; $messages['insert_more'] = 'Toggle "More..." link'; $messages['purging_please_wait'] = 'Please wait while data is being purged. This page will keep refreshing itself until all data has been processed, please do not attempt to stop this process'; $messages['error_cannot_delete_last_blog_category'] = 'You cannot delete the last blog category.'; $messages['help_logout_destination_url'] = 'URL where users will be forwarded when logging out of the administration interface instead of the login page. [ Default Value = empty ]'; $messages['help_default_global_article_category_id'] = 'Identifier of the default global article category [ Default = empty ]'; $messages['help_blog_does_not_exist_url'] = 'URL where users will be forwarded when they attempt to reach a blog that does not exist in this site, instead of being forwarded to the site\'s default blog [ Default = empty ]'; $messages['error_invalid_blog_name'] = 'O nome do blog não é válido'; /* strings for /default/ templates */ $messages['help_forbidden_blognames'] = 'List of strings separated by a blank space that are not allowed to be used as blog names. It is possible to use regular expressions instead of plain strings. [ Default = (empty) ]'; $messages['posts_updated_ok'] = '%s postagem atualizada com sucesso'; $messages['error_updating_post2'] = 'There was an error updating the article with idenfitier "%s"'; $messages['resources_updated_ok'] = '% recursos atualizados com sucesso'; $messages['error_updating_resource2'] = 'There was an error updating the resource with identifier "%s"'; $messages['albums_updated_ok'] = '%s albuns atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['error_updating_album2'] = 'There was an error updating album with identifier "%s"'; $messages['links_updated_ok'] = '%s links atualizado com sucesso'; $messages['error_updating_link2'] = 'There was an error updating the link with identifier "%s"'; $messages['version'] = 'Versão'; $messages['error_resources_disabled'] = 'Sorry, support for uploading new resources has been disabled in this site'; $messages['help_login_admin_panel'] = 'Clique no nome do blog para entrar na página da administração.'; $messages['blog_updated_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" was successfully updated'; $messages['blogs_updated_ok'] = '%s blogs were successfully updated'; $messages['error_updating_blog2'] = 'There was an error updating the blog with identifier "%s"'; $messages['error_updating_blog'] = 'There was an error updating blog "%s"'; $messages['error_updating_user'] = 'There was an error updating user "%s".'; $messages['user_updated_ok'] = 'Usuário/a "%s" foi alterado com sucesso.'; $messages['users_updated_ok'] = '%s users were successfully updated'; $messages['eror_updating_user2'] = 'There was an error updating the user with identifier "%s"'; $messages['error_select_status'] = 'Selecione uma situação válida'; $messages['error_invalid_blog_name'] = 'Desculpe, nome do blog não é válido'; $messages['help_resources_naming_rule'] = 'The file naming rules for uploaded resources. \'Original File Name\' will use the original name of the file. \'Encoded File Name\' will use the encoded file name for uploaded resources, the naming rule is [BlogId]-[ResourceId].[Ext]. Please use \'Encoded File Name\' if you are running LifeType on a Multi-Byte Microsoft Windows server. NOTE: Please don\'t change this option after users have uploaded files into LifeType or older files will not be accessible anymore. [Default = Original File Name]'; $messages['original_file_name'] = 'Original File Name'; $messages['encoded_file_name'] = 'Encoded File Name'; $messages['quick_permission_selection'] = 'Quick permission selection'; $messages['basic_blog_permission'] = 'Allow blog user to add, update and delete posts, links and resources'; $messages['full_blog_permission'] = 'Allow blog user to access all blog functions as blog owner'; $messages['error_template_exist'] = 'There was an error uploading the template, template "%s" already exist.'; /// new strings in LT 1.2.2 /// $messages['posted_by_help'] = 'Selecionar o/a dono/a desse artigo'; $messages['insert_player'] = 'Inserir Player'; /// new strings in LT 1.2.3 /// $messages['help_allow_javascript_blocks_in_posts'] = 'Allow blocks of Javascript code in posts via <script> tags. Please be aware that it may pose a security risk to your blog(s) [ Default = No ]'; $messages['Versions'] = 'Versão'; $messages['incorrect_file_version_error'] = 'The following files do not match the expected contents:'; $messages['lifetype_version'] = 'LifeType'; $messages['lifetype_version_help'] = 'The currently installed version of LifeType is:'; $messages['file_version_check'] = 'File Version Check'; $messages['file_version_check_help'] = 'This will perform a basic check on most of LifeType\'s core files, in order to ensure that the current version of the files matches the expected contents according to the installed version. If you have not performed any customizations or changes, all files should match the expected version. Please be patient, this process may take a while.'; $messages['check'] = 'Check'; $messages['all_files_ok'] = 'All files are correct'; /// new strings for LT 1.2.4 /// $messages['plugin_latest_version'] = 'Most recent version available: '; $messages['check_versions'] = 'Verificar versão'; $messages['lt_version_ok'] = 'The current version of Lifetype is up to date.'; $messages['lt_version_error'] = 'The most recent version of Lifetype is: '; $messages['release_notes'] = 'Release notes'; $messages['kb'] = 'Kb'; $messages['mb'] = 'Mb'; $messages['gb'] = 'Gb'; $messages['edit'] = 'Editar'; /// new strings for LT 1.2.5 /// $messages['bookmark_this_filter'] = 'Bookmark this filter'; $messages['help_trim_whitespace_output'] = 'Removes all unnecessary blank spaces from rendered templates, which can make pages up to 40% smaller. It is advisable to keep this enabled, unless you are concerned with performance [ Default = Yes ]'; $messages['help_notify_new_blogs'] = 'Notify site administrators every time a new blog is created in this site'; $messages['new_blog_admin_notification_text'] = 'This is LifeType\'s automatic notification system. A new blog named "%1$s" (%2$s) has been created in your LifeType installation. Have a nice day. '; ?>