"RssAction" ); $controller = new Controller( $actionMap, "op" ); $request = HttpVars::getRequest(); if( isset($request["summary"])) { $request["op"] = "rss"; HttpVars::setRequest( $request ); lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."summary.php" ); die(); } // // if there is no session object, we better create one // SessionManager::Init(); $session = HttpVars::getSession(); if( empty( $session["SessionInfo"] ) ) { $session["SessionInfo"] = new SessionInfo(); HttpVars::setSession( $session ); } // load the plugins, this needs to be done *before* we call the // Controller::process() method, as some of the plugins _might_ // add new actions to the controller $pluginManager =& PluginManager::getPluginManager(); $pluginManager->loadPlugins(); // and call the controller $controller->process( HttpVars::getRequest()); ?>