Plugin: Gravatar Author: Original by Dani Armengol, Modified by Mark Wu Release Date: 2005/01/23 Version: 1.0 Returns the URL of an (gr)avatar for every comment. The image is loaded from In order to use, simply include the following: 1. $gravatar->isEnabled() to check the plugin is enabled or not. 2. $gravatar->gravatar($comment,$rating,$default,$size) to get to Avatar from Where: 1. $rating is the allowed rating of avatar. Default is "G" 2. $default is the URL of the default image that will be shown in case there is no gravatar available or if the user did not give an email address. You also can choose your default avatar from configuration panel. Default is "default.jpg" 3. $size is the desired size in pixels of the gravatar. Default is 40. Example: Add the following code to postandcomments.template: {if $gravatar->isEnabled()} {/if} You can add your own default avatar image to /plugin/gravatar/avatars. This plugin only support GIF and JPG format currently. You can also add a note by the email field to inform users that gravatars are enabled: {if $gravatar && $gravatar->isEnabled()} {$locale->pr("gravatar_support")} {/if}