Plugin: Article Referers Author: Mark Wu Release Date: 2005/01/23 Version: 1.0 This plugin offers you to get the referers of the specific article. Usage as followed: You can use: 1. $articlereferers->isEnabled() to check the plugin is enabled or not. 2. $articlereferers->getArticleReferers( $articleId, $maxReferers , $sortByField ) to get the article referers. Where: 1. $articleId is the specific ariticle id 2. $maxReferers is the the max referers you want to show. 0 means show all referers. Default is 10. 3. $sortByField is the order of referers. 1 means sort by hits, and 2 means order by last visit date. Default is 1 Example: Add the following code to postandcomments.template: {if $articlereferers->isEnabled()}


{assign var=postid value=$post->getId()} {assign var=referers value=$articlereferers->getArticleReferers($postid)} {foreach from=$referers item=referer}
  • {$referer->getUrl()|truncate:60:"..."|escape} ({$referer->getCount()})
  • {/foreach}
