Plugin: Bad Behavior Integration Author: The LifeType Team Release Date: 2006/07/25 Version: 1.0 This plugin offers anti-spam protection powerd by bad behavior 1. Copy the badbehavior folder to your plugins folder 2. Add the following lines to the top of index.php (try after the other include_once lines) // Bad Behavior Check, hope this can stop most spam comments and trackbacks include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."plugins/badbehavior/" ); 3. Refresh the plugin center until you see the badbehavior plugin appers. 4. Add the following scripts to header.template between {if !empty($badbehavior)} {$badbehavior->showBB2JavaScript()} {/if} 5. That's All You also can use the followings method to get some useful information: 1. Use {$badbehavior->showBB2Timer()} to get the badbehavior timer 2. Use {$badbehavior->showBB2Status()} to get the badbehavior status To Do: 1. Add an admin panel to review the blocked spams