"a) Use different virtualhost:
" Gallery install at /usr/share/gallery2
" LifeType URL is http://blog.teatime.com.tw
" Gallery URL is http://gallery.teatime.com.tw
" LifeType's blogId is 123
" The imageblock you want is Gallery's photo in 'v/tommy_baby' this album
" Setting:
" embed.php path: /usr/share/gallery2/embed.php
" embedUri: blog.teatime.com.tw/index.php?op=gallery&blogId=123
" g2Uri: gallery.teatime.com.tw/main.php
" Blocks: randomImage
" Item ID: /tommy_baby
"b) Use same virtualhost:
" Gallery install at /home/abc/public_html/gallery2
" LifeType install at /home/abc/public_html/blog
" LifeType URL is http://www.teatime.com.tw/~abc/blog
" Gallery URL is http://www.teatime.com.tw/~abc/gallery2
" LifeType's blogId is 321
" The imageblock you want is this photo 'v/tommy_baby/abc/123.jpg' in gallery
" Setting:
" embed.php path: /home/abc/public_html/gallery2/embed.php
" embedUri: /blog/index.php?op=gallery&blogId=321
" g2Uri: /gallery2/main.php
" Blocks: specificItem
" ItemID: /tommy_baby/abc/123.jpg
$messages["help_blocks"] = "A pipe (|) separated list, of one or more possible blocks which are:
" * randomImage|recentImage|viewedImage|randomAlbum|recentAlbum|viewedAlbum|specificItem
" * dailyImage|weeklyImage|monthlyImage|dailyAlbum|weeklyAlbum|monthlyAlbum";
$messages["help_show"] = "A pipe (|) separated list of one or more possible choices which are:
" * title|date|views|owner|heading|fullSize or just 'none'";
$messages["help_itemid"] = "If you choose 'blocks' = 'specificItem', you have to specify this field. If you chioose 'blocks' = 'randomImage', you can specify this field to a ablum, it will show the picture in this album randomly.
"PS: itemId could be an ID show in Gallery's URL, or if you use a rewrite function in gallery, you can use the path name as the itemId, just like the example above.";