pLog Plugin - plogPoll v0.1 for lt 1.1.x pLogPoll was designed to allow a BlogOwner to publish a poll to his main page and recieve user feedback. This plugin is fully supported in the pLog Administrator/Blog User Interface and allows one to simply add a poll, view statistics about the poll and delete them. Other "gems" include IP tracking in an attempt to disallow multiple votes from single people and an easy to modify look and feel. -- {if $plogpoll neq ""}
LSNet Poll
{assign var=blogid value=$blog->getId()} {insert name="getPlogPollHtml" pollvar=$plogpoll pollid=$blogid}
{/if} -- The look and feel may be modified easily by css tags like such... -- #pollbody { color: #99CCFF; text-align:center; font-size:x-small; background:#336699; padding: 1px; border: 1px dashed black; } #pollbody th{ text-align:center; padding: 0px; background:#225588; } #pollbody td{ padding: 0px; text-align: left; } #pollbody div{ color: white; } -- Further customization can be realized within the pluginplogpoll.class.php file distributed with the plugin.