Plugin: Rights Chooser Author: Bill Yuan-yao Shih Release Date: 2005/05/03 Version: 0.9 This plugin allows you to select and apply a license to your individual blogs, then it can display the button and metadata automatically. Usage as follow: You can use: 1. $rightschooser->isEnabled() to check the plugin is enabled or not. 2. $rightschooser->getHtml() to fetch and show the HTML and RDF for your licensed blogs from Creative Commons website. 3. $rightschooser->showCustomHtml() to show the HTML output for your licensed blogs. 4. $rightschooser->showCustomRdf() to include the RDF metadata in your licensed blogs. Example: Add the following code to any template file where you want it to show: {if $rightschooser->isEnabled()} {$rightschooser->getHtml()} {/if} Or the custom style (You can modify the output defined in pluginrightschooser.class.php ,but if you are not familiar with PHP, just use $rightschooser->getHtml()): {if $rightschooser->isEnabled()} {$rightschooser->showCustomHtml()} {$rightschooser->showCustomRdf()} {/if}