[DESCRIPTION] Sociable is a port of the WordPress plugin of the same name, written by Peter Harkins. (http://push.cx/sociable) The Sociable plugin adds links to social bookmarking sites to each of your blog posts. [USAGES]: 1. Upload: Upload all the extract files and directories to $LifeType_Install_Dir/plugin/sociable 2. Add the following to header.template in the section {$sociable->showCSS()} 3. Next you need to add the following to post.template: {assign var="sociablePostId" value=$post->getId()} {$sociable->show($sociablePostId)} [EXAMPLE (From the template 'Falling Leaves with plug-ins] {assign var="postDate" value=$post->getDateObject()} {assign var="postOwner" value=$post->getUserInfo()} {assign var="sociablePostId" value=$post->getId()}


Published on {$locale->formatDate($postDate,"%H:%M, %m/%d,%Y")}


Posted under {foreach name=categories from=$post->getCategories() item=postcategory} {$postcategory->getName()} {if !$smarty.foreach.categories.last}, {/if} {/foreach} | {$locale->tr("comment on this")} ({$post->getTotalComments()}) {$sociable->show($sociablePostId)}