{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"}

{$locale->tr("about")} mtplog {$locale->tr("template")}

This template "mtplog" is a template based on MovableType 2.x's naming method. Thank Sultasto to porting it as a template for LifeType.

This template has five different css style. All of them are in the folder of "css/".

  • clean.css
  • trendy.css
  • gettyburg.css
  • plain_jane.css
  • rusty.css

If you want changing the css style, you sholud modify the header.template and replace the bold character in $url->getTemplateFile("css/clean.css") with that list above.

ps: You change the content of this file by editing the about.template.

by reic

Developer: Sultasto
Porting and maintain: reic

{include file="$blogtemplate/panel.template"} {include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"}